Integrate with your existing networks and extend connectivity to the edge.

PEAKE integrates Next Generation Tactical Mesh Networks for operations in complex environments, where communications can't afford to fail. We provide high bandwidth connectivity and extend that connectivity with MANET and Tactical Mesh solutions from our premier partners. MANET (Mobile Adhoc Network) radios offer several benefits, which make them advantageous in various scenarios.

Extend Connectivity
high bandwidth
Secure & Private

Key Benefits of MANET Solutions

Tactical IP Checkmark

Infrastructure-less Communication

Tactical IP Checkmark

Dynamic Network Formation

Tactical IP Checkmark

Increased Mobility

Tactical IP Checkmark

Robustness and Fault Tolerance

Tactical IP Checkmark

Extended Range

Tactical IP Checkmark

Flexibility and Scalability

Tactical IP Checkmark

Rapid Deployment

Tactical IP Checkmark

Privacy and Security

Tactical IP Checkmark


Tactical IP Checkmark

Collaboration and Cooperation

Tactical Mesh/MANET Uses

Tactical IP Checkmark

Aviation Video uplinks/downlinks

Tactical IP Checkmark

Tactical Bubbles

Tactical IP Checkmark

Tactical PTZ Video

Tactical IP Checkmark

ATAK Deployments

Tactical IP Checkmark

RoIP Bridge to LMR Radios

Tactical IP Checkmark

Blue on Blue Interface Resilience

Tactical IP Checkmark

C2 ISR Robotic Systems (including Tunnels)

Tactical IP Checkmark

Drone Interoperability Kits

Tactical IP Checkmark

SEAR Events

Tactical IP Checkmark

Disaster Response

MANET and MESH Solution Partners

Silvus Technologies is reshaping broadband wireless connectivity for mission critical applications. 

Silvus designs and develops advanced MANET radios, mesh network systems and capabilities that set a new standard for high-speed data transmission in any operational environment.

HyphaMESH products use smart waveforms to interconnect devices to create a self-forming, self-healing adhoc network.

These products form a complete critical ecosystem of communication solutions that take multi-bearer connectivity from the core to the edge, enabling a platform of applications and capabilities that allow agencies and enterprises to be safer and more effective in their operations.

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